Community Services / Interact

The Montour High School Community Services/Interact extra-curricular club was started in 1999 by Rotary International and is sponsored by the Parkway West and Crafton-Ingram Rotaries. The purpose of the Community Services/Interact is to provide opportunities for students to contribute to the community in a meaningful way through volunteer services. The objectives of Community Services/Interact include the following:


  • To help others through service in the community
  • To develop leadership and teamwork skills
  • To apply communication skills learned in the classroom to real-life situations
  • To develop a strong work ethic and sense of individual responsibility by organizing service projects for the school, community and international programs
  • To realize a sense of pride and accomplishment
  • To be part of a powerful force of youthful enthusiasm and energetic service and to make a difference in the community


The Montour High School Community Services/Interact sponsor is Mrs. Brittney Mayo.